Help us bring generations together.
InCommon is a registered charity. When you make a donation, you’re helping us bring people of different ages and backgrounds together to connect, learn, and inspire each other.
You can donate by visiting our JustGiving page. Your support will help combat ageism and boost connection and confidence among people of all ages.
Here’s what your donation could do:
£15 could cover materials and refreshments for one intergenerational workshop
£30 could help a younger and older person meet at an intergenerational workshop
£350 could pay for an intergenerational workshop, connecting younger and older people
Other ways you can support InCommon’s work:
Gifts in kind. Have something useful to offer? Whether it’s tea or coffee or felt tip pens, we’d love to hear from you.
Easyfundraising. You can raise money while you shop online at no extra cost to you. Visit our page here to get started.